” I have suffered from acne for many years and it left me feeling very negative about my skin. I always have to wear very thick foundation. I have had a course of six treatments and the scarring looks a lot less and if I get any spots they come and go much quicker. My skin is smoother and looks completely different that I can now wear a very thin layer of tinted SPF rather than foundation. I can’t stop looking at myself”
“I suffered from acne since my late teens until recently which left horrendous scarring. I’ve just had my 3rd treatment and I’m extremely over the moon with my results so far .No more breaks out and smoother complexion.”
” I have been looking for a treatment to help my acne for a long time, when I came across Sarah and Sure Aesthetics. I had a course of Treatment and I love the effect on my skin and leaves it feeling tingly. My spots that come disappear quicker and now fewer are coming. The overall redness of my skin has calmed down too. I think the clinic is lovely and enjoy being treated there.”
“I had an in-depth assessment of my skin as I did not like the acne scarring left on my face, and open pores and spots. Sarah explained that if we looked at the face as a whole and treated not only the sun damage, but my scarring etc to it would give a much better result. She was 100% correct it’s been amazing. The results overall have been brilliant and the pigmentation part with the laser was so easy and surprisingly the micro needling is a nice treatment too ! Thank you Sarah I will continue with all the good work you have done for me”